Washer and Dryer Repair

Washer and Dryer Repair

Clothing is as practical as it is personable, acting both as protection against the elements and as a unique form of self-expression. Of course, this means the methods of cleaning clothing are just as important as the clothes themselves, so if you ever find yourself in need of washer and dryer repair in Woodland Hills, give SoCal Appliance Repair and Air Conditioning Repair a call! With the full might of our expertly-trained repair technicians backing you, there will soon be nothing stopping you from wearing clean clothes once more!

Washers, Dryers, and Their Uses

Washing machines and clothes dryers, often more simply referred to as washers and dryers, have aided humanity with fabric cleaning for many decades now. Prior to the invention of these appliances, the washing of clothes was accomplished by hand, while the drying of them was left to mother nature. Nowadays, washers and dryers greatly aid with such tasks, producing far more reliable results. Washing machines handle the cleaning and sanitization of clothes. Detergent is added to the machine and combined with water during the course of a cycle, resulting in clean clothes when combined with rotational force. Dryers also rely on rotational force to perform their duties, but make use of hot air rather than water and detergent. Through a constant influx of new air that is then heated, and an output of humid air that has been sufficiently used, the moisture in freshly-cleaned clothes is gradually tumbled out. From hospitals to homes to industrial and commercial uses, washing machines and clothes dryers offer their many services in a variety of different settings.

Stacked washers and dryers for repair in Woodland Hills.

Common Issues with Washers and Dryers

Even though washing machines and dryers provide little more than additional convenience, this world greatly values efficiency, so such conveniences typically prove to be essential to everyday live. If that flow is ever disrupted, then one’s entire day could be thrown into disarray. To keep one’s day in acceptable working order, then it is best to immediately call and schedule an appointment from an appliance repair service provider as soon as any issues with your washing machine or dryer become noticeable. Before doing so, however, it is highly recommended to start with an assessment of the nature of the appliance’s malfunctions. This is for the sake of the entire diagnostic and repair process for your unit, since by having such information. the repair technician you receive assistance from with will have a far easier time assessing and repairing the issues within the appliance. While there are countless different forms that these issues can take, there are ones that present themselves more commonly than others, many of which are listed below:

Washing Machines:

● Displaying an error code on the electronic display

● Door not locking or unlocking

● Not starting a cycle

● Not draining during a cycle

● Stopping mid-cycle

● Making loud, concerning noises while running

● Moving or shaking excessively while running


● Displaying an error code on the electronic display

● Not heating sufficiently or at all

● Not starting a cycle

● Making loud, concerning noises while running

● Moving or shaking excessively while running

Who to Call for Your Washer and Dryer Repair

For the simplest and most direct route to having fully-functional washing machines and clothes dryers once more, hiring an experienced service repair technician to assist with any and all necessary repairs is generally the best way to do so. Even if it is discovered that your appliances contain one or more deeper-rooted or dormant problems within them, the expertise of a skilled professional will always be there to right all the wrongs uncovered during the diagnostic process. If such issues are instead left to further worsen within your devices, then the only real outcome would instead be a far more costly and urgent repair appointment in the future. By rectifying such issues in the present, you’ll save yourself both time and money in the future.

To find technicians with such valuable experience and training, why not give SoCal Appliance Repair and Air Conditioning Repair a call? Our veritable army of suitable technicians are always at the ready to provide residents of Woodland Hills any repair services they could possibly need. From the hours of 8 AM to 8 PM, from one Monday to the next, there stands between us not a single washer or dryer malfunction that we are unable to assist with diagnosing and repairing. If you ever find yourself in dire need of washer and dryer repair in Woodland Hills, pick up the phone, and get in touch with our dedicated office staff to schedule an appointment. Call SoCal Appliance Repair and Air Conditioning Repair today, and we will prove to you that our skills reach far beyond just air conditioners!