Refrigerator Repair

Refrigerator Repair

Humanity has only been able to propagate and survive as long as we have thanks to the fact that the food and water that allows us to exist has been granted the ability to achieve a suitable amount of longevity. This is mostly thanks to the advent of the humble refrigerator. Should you ever find yourself suddenly lacking this crucial part of human survival in Woodland Hills, be sure to call us at SoCal Appliance Repair and Air Conditioning Repair! Any required refrigerator repair in Woodland Hills will be dutifully carried out by any one of our expertly-trained and endlessly-professional repair technicians, and all without putting excess strain on your wallet. 

Refrigerators and Their Uses

Colloquially referred to as fridges, refrigerators have been offering mankind the gift of long-lasting food storage ever since it was noticed that cold perishables lasted much longer than warm perishables did. This is fundamentally due to how lower temperatures lessen the rate at which bacteria can multiply, dramatically lengthening the amount of time a food item can last before succumbing to decomposition. Just as with air conditioners, most refrigerators function through the use of metal coils. These coils, pumped full of coolant internally, function to absorb heat and ferry it away from the fridge’s contents, resulting in an enclosed environment that maintains a significantly cooler temperature then the room in which the appliance is placed. Of course, this only remains true when the appliance is working. When every facet of the inner workings of a refrigerator are working, however, the potential uses for such a system truly reveal themselves to the imaginative mind. From food storage to keeping a water pitcher ice-cold and awaiting convenient usage, the possibilities of harnessing a small portion of nature’s power are truly fascinating.

An in-cabinet French door refrigerator for repair in Woodland Hills.

Common Issues with Refrigerators

Of course, as stated before, this is only a resounding truth while the fridge is fully-functional. In worst-case scenarios, when a refrigerator refuses to function at all, then the appliance becomes a mental liability, constantly siphoning away your ease with the knowledge that your precious perishables, and all the money you spent on them, may very well end up for naught as they begin to live up to their name. To avert an oftentimes monstrous waste of money, when one’s refrigerator begins to fail, the very next step should be to call the phone number of an appliance repair company. Once an appointment with a trained appliance repair technician has been scheduled over the phone, then your mind can finally rest easy with the knowledge that one’s foodstuffs are not going to remain at risk indefinitely. There is one crucial bit of information anyone in such a predicament should know going into the scheduling process, and that is what sort of appliance malfunction has befallen their refrigerator. This will be asked both over the phone, and by the repair technician upon their arrival, and it is best to know such details before beginning the process. Refrigeration malfunctions can take many different forms, some of which have been documented below for your observatory convenience:


● Showing an error code on the appliance’s electronic display

● Not producing enough or any ice from the ice maker

● Water dispenser has low rate of flow, or is not flowing at all

● Not cooling enough or at all in one or both sections of the appliance

● Accumulating frost inside the appliance

● Leaking water from the appliance

Who to Call for Your Refrigerator Repair

Should the thought of performing appliance repairs upon your own fridge ever cross your mind, know this: such a course of action can only ever be recommended if you are already an expert in the field. If you lack the necessary credentials, then can you be certain that you will not end up squandering time and money on unneeded replacement parts and tools? Can you even be sure that your repairs, backed by such limited knowledge, won’t simply cause further damage to your dearest refrigerator? If you wish to avoid such uncertainties entirely, including the very real possibility that there may be one or several more hidden malfunctions lurking deep within your fridge, then the simple act of summoning a certified appliance repair person to your side will achieve that goal swiftly and thoroughly.

If professionally-certified skills are what you seek, then they can be found in abundance at SoCal Appliance Repair and Air Conditioning Repair. Thanks both to our bountiful supply of professional, expertly-trained service technicians, and our band of friendly office staff who man the helm, we are able to provide to Woodland Hills and beyond affordable, long-lasting refrigeration repairs between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM, seven days a week. Should you ever find yourself in abrupt need of refrigerator repair in Woodland Hills, who else is there to call but SoCal Appliance Repair and Air Conditioner Repair?